Footway Conversion

Strategy Behind the Standard

The conversion of PRoW footpaths and Highways footways to permit bicycle use is not regarded as a general or area-wide remedy in Essex, but can be confined to specific links and locations. In urban areas it is recommended that where PRoW footpath and/or footway conversions to accommodate cycles is the only option then evidence must be recorded to demonstrate that alternative options (e.g. fully segregated cycle tracks, re-allocation of road space, traffic calming measures etc) have been explored and discounted and that clear benefits can be derived. In such situations, it is vital that the benefits to the cyclist are balanced against the increased risk and inconvenience to pedestrians.

In rural settings although there may be fewer cyclists and pedestrians, the same requirement for separation from fast moving motor vehicles applies. A well-constructed shared use facility designed to meet the needs of cycle traffic – including its width, alignment and treatment at side roads and other junctions – may be adequate where pedestrian numbers are very low.

ECC Recommendations

Best practice will follow the guidance as seen in LTN 1/20 – Cycle Infrastructure Design